Friday 3 August 2012

Split fingernail. Peaceful Silence

A horse is standing in the rain.   A dark grey shire horse standing in a field with it's head hanging down.   On one side of the field stands the horse.   On the other side is a hawk.   A hawk sitting on a post.   A brown hawk sitting on a post in the rain.   The horse is on one side and the hawk is on the other side.   They're at opposite sides of the field.   The hawk has a broken wing.   The bones in the wing are broken.   On the other side of the field stands the horse.   The horse is blind.   It's eyes are blinded and don't work.   On one side the hawk with a broken wing and on the other side the blind horse.   There's no sign of life.   Just the cold wet horse with it's head hanging down and it's blinded eyes.   And on the other side of the field is the hawk, sitting on a post with a broken wing.   It continues to rain down.   The grey sky is like a dirty, broken fingernail.   That is all.


  1. this is like a reader from grade 3 but especially morbid. i really like this

  2. matching it to a moodsome song of that same length, wrote this in 11 minutes I did...
