Monday 26 December 2011

The Gift

Covered in newspaper is the dining room table. At each end are empty coffee mugs. In the middle sits an excited young boy. He is glancing around to his mother in the small kitchen. She carries a bowl of soup into the dining room and sets it before him. White washed stone are the walls of the dinning room. Slowly the wooden front door opens. The boys father comes in and puts a log on the fire. He opens his coat bringing out a small wrapped gift and hands it to his wife. She holds it to her heart. The young boy has finished his soup. The mother hands the gift to her son and stands beside her husband. The young boy looks up at his parents. They smile and nod. The young boy tears the paper from the gift. In the silence this sounds very loud. More and more paper he tears away. The paper falls to the wooden floor. Still more paper he tears away. Finally the last shred falls to the floor. The gift is a small box. The young boy opens the box and his face is filled with joy. A baby rabbit is inside. The young boy lifts it out and holds it up. Tears fill his eyes. Something is wrong.

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