Anyway on a totally unrelated note I thought that, that was interesting.
So back to what I was originally going to say before I said something else. There's this thought that's been buzzing around my mind like a pelican (if you've ever picked up a pelican then you'll know what I'm talking about other wise you'll be like O.o ) And then the thought or theory -whatever it is- is this: And a lot of people don't know this but I'm pretty sure it's true. Truth? you ask, I could talk about this all night and I don't think it's totally subjective but meh, whatever.
All in all I think it simply boils down to whether or not you're a dog or cat person -unless you don't like dogs or cats which stuffs up this and where it was going. I had vague notions or Why Hitler was like he was, but that's all lost now.
I think I'll skip that section of that and take it from Hitler; what makes people exactly naughty?
I don't exactly know but I'll soon find out because I have a clever brain.
So in short Hitler is conceived and spends the first two weeks of his life as a miniature girl, I think people change at that point but I'm not sure maybe it's a month. Anyway. The next eight months are dark and boring (I remember thinking about all kinds of amazing things but life turned out to be a bit of a let down).
So he grows up, does his stuff starts a war and so on.
Most everyone is naughty but some more then others I think. But then again maybe that's subjective, is subjectivity subjective to anything? My bet is other subjectivities.
I wonder if you wake up in a terrible rage that you feel like you know that you are in a mood? For example, picture a really, really, really sad cow, or a happy one or a cold cow or whatever. Does it know it's happy? I've noticed that people are always like "I'm in a bad mood so watch out!" or "I'm feeling so happy so watch out!" or "I'm in a naughty mood so watch out!" so I guess the answer to that question is obviously yes.
Now that hypothesis raises a number of interesting questions such as: Did Paul Simon know he was musical? Did Andy Warhol know he was good at printing? Did Lassie know she was a dog? Well I'm pretty sure the answer to those questions is absolutely not; Lassie is a fictional character. Now if I add this question and the one before it together I get a subjectile. And a numerous other interesting questions, philosophies and theories most of which I will now outline:
Now that hypothesis raises a number of interesting questions such as: Did Paul Simon know he was musical? Did Andy Warhol know he was good at printing? Did Lassie know she was a dog? Well I'm pretty sure the answer to those questions is absolutely not; Lassie is a fictional character. Now if I add this question and the one before it together I get a subjectile. And a numerous other interesting questions, philosophies and theories most of which I will now outline:
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