Wednesday, 7 March 2012


I'm not saying I'm specialer than other people but I think about a lot of things and notice a lot of things that I think about such as what's the difference between "in" the bus stop and "on" a bus stop? I don't know, I think they're the same really. Anyway, there's been a lot of problems going around the world from what I've noticed so somebodies got to do something about it so why not me? Well that's pretty damn simple, for one I don't have a clue what's going on so how on earth can I fix the the world? Three I they make my nose itchy and four I think it's really stupid and boring. Think about it; just because they show it on television like "Oh look at me I'm a shiny person" you know it doesn't make me feel less then the person that I am. And who are they anyway, who do they think they are? You can ask me that question again and I still wont know the answer because in fact I don't even think it's really a question -I've never heard anyone ask it. Now take the environment and personal feelings or protests or pretests or pre-teens or whatever. It's all in the mind, pain and whatnot because I cut my finger on a pencil and did I cry? Hmm, let me think, No I didn't because I know how to make a cup of tea just like the next person and sometimes you've just got to know how to do some things by yourself and forget and be friends.

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