Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Artist

You are trapped.

 * * * *

You're in space now.     You dream of earth.     You dream of lace.     You dream of cavalier.
Your mind is open and blinded by light. 
Men with masks clean out the cobwebs and your head is sewn up with a silver thread.
It is by your design.

The sound of death, of shattering, of brokenness... You're only stepping on burnt out matches.

Go down to the cities of men.        Common and soulless.        Death is in their eyes from birth.
From lack air they could die. No air. Lack of sleep drives them insane. Lack of food weakens them unto death. Fear controls their minds and their hearts also. Pain and fear guide them. They are blind.

See they cannot turn their eyes upward. A serpent slithers on its belly, a dog walks on four legs and man on two. Only the bird can escape the clutches of the ground. Only a bird can lift herself above the dirt.

By your body you are one of them.
In your heart you love and pity them.
In your mind you scorn them.

In anger the Sun burns itself up. The six planets hang in it's grasp. 
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 

In pain your mother bore you and in pain you will die. Some say one is reborn, destined to live life over and over. Others say one will live once and go on to the afterlife. Either way the cycle of life continues on earth. 
For me once is one enough.

Your hand reaches out for another.           But returns empty.           None are to be found. 
For you no compassion is found. In your fury you have emptied the skies.

Perhaps it is better to return to contemplation. 

Then this is a dream.            The world is a picture.              Life is a passing thought.

I wish you could have stayed. But you shall be here forever. This is where you came to dance. You will leave now but your mind will belong here in the stars forever. You can return whenever you so wish, for you are here already. Dreams come and go as one sleeps and wakes, but you have seen the earth from a great height. Above the clouds. Above the stars. 

You can wonder wherever you so wish for you can see. You can make your own way.
See with your mind. Feel with your heart. Walk with your soul.

* * * *

Yet you are free.

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