Thursday, 31 May 2012

Peter and Steffen Discuss the Elderberry

~ "Wondering is a reason." ~

Rain droplets dribbled down the dirty window and in the garden the mist was so thick one could only see a stones throw. I stirred the milk through my cup of tea and flicked a crumb off the table. There was the bank again, I'm sure I missed it before? Well perhaps not. I better go soon, the sun is setting. Sally dropped out of  a hole in the ceiling and whispered in my ear. I've told you not to play with numbers, they are evil. You can irretrievably disturb or confuse a persons mind by meddling with certain number patterns. You could almost call it a mathematical curse, although it has nothing to do with maths or curses. Steffen has drawn a circle of pure genius, look! he's passed out. What a wonderful, beautiful boy, and by boy I mean mind. A thousand years represents a long time, it also is a long time. I went for a walk past a white picket fence and dragged a stick along it and the sound brought a smile to my face. Peter is wrong (why oh why is he always wrong?). It was drizzling rain, but it wasn't cold. It's still raining gently. It's like a hug. From a cloud. Which isn't a hug. I'm feeling pregnant said George. Oh deary me can someone try and find out what's gone wrong? Alright then. Bye.

I once never said to not shorten words, which I didn't because that's a lie and now I have no idea whether I did or didn't because now I'm lying again. I could sit down and work it out or just guess to save face, it's probably really easy but I've moved on from that place in my life and I don't want any painful reminders. I often wonder which of these three things are more important: Worrying about who you are now, or worrying about who you want to be? Yes there were three things I just mentioned, but most people think there can only ever truly be two options when faced with two choices. They're so fabulously wrong!

Who's a pregnant goldfish now?

Peter found a piece of broken chalk on the pavement. He went protesting and brought down the government. He had so many followers who loved his ideas about life, love and bringing down governments. He had a pet chook -"Hey so did I, what a coincidence!"
"Well silly, Peter isn't really real.
"Yes, he's not."
"Okay then, whatever."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, but make it snappy."
"What did Sally whisper in your ear before?"
"Oh that? Such nonsense: "it's bored not pregnant you duffer." I think, why did you ask?"
"No reason, just wondered."

"Space as we know it is like the space behind the toilet, not often explored, it's dark, no one lives there and it's not useful for much."
"Sir, I'd like to complain about that last sentence; I live in space and I often explore it."
"Dear Sirs, I want to complain about Peter: He's not a really real person."
"To Whom it may concern, I don't like all the negativity about Peter. He's a space-chook."
"Sir I'd like to complain: I live in space and I often explore it and I've never met a space-chook called Peter."
"Dear Sir, I'd like to complain. I live in an undeveloped part of the world. My toilet is a tree and the part behind it is a forest. I explore it, it's not dark, my brother lives there and we farm corn there. I think this is all tremendously rediculous and I order you to stop immediately."

Without a moment to lose Sally grabbed the shovel out of the picnic basket and proceeded to dig a narrow pit in the ground. The soft earth flew out and into a pile and soon it was as deep as her head. Sally dived into the hole head first, followed by her picnic basket. As Sally fell down the hole she sang:

 "Diddley pickle pumpkin pie. Pickledy dippledy do.
 I'm falling down a hole in the earth,
 and I don't know what to do!" 

'Is that true Mike?' 
'Yes and no.'
'Mike says yes and no.'
'what's that mean then?'
'yes she's falling down a hole in the earth and no because she actually does know what to do.'
'What is it then?' asked Sally.
'I don't know, stop falling perhaps?' Sally stopped falling tumbled down into a green grassy hillside full of mushrooms and little bushes covered in red berries. 'Sing Elderberry, sing!' sang Sally, but the Elderberry didn't sing because there's no such thing. 

Hello, look through the window and sitting on the table is a glass bowl with a goldfish slowly swimming around. 'I'm so very pregnant.' She bubbled in a dull bubbly voice. Around and around and around and around...

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