Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Little Stone Church

Once there was a little stone church who lived in a forest with a river on one side and grave yard on the other. Many many years ago people used to come to it each Sunday, but those days are long gone and the merry sound of singing no longer fills its walls. A man used to come and take care of the gardens but one day even he came no longer and the path that led to its door slowly disappeared under the grass. The birds nested in the small bell tower and animals of all kinds made the little church their home. The little church felt sad and useless for being so neglected. One rainy day a family of wet cold rabbits came up to the front door and before entering they folded their paws, bowed their heads and said a prayer. The church suddenly felt warm inside for the first time in years. To this day the birds still sing every morning in the bell tower and each night the animals say their prayers in the merriest little stone church there ever was.

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