Friday 10 February 2012

Acting Is Acting

When an adult doesn't 'act' like an adult then they're called immature or childish. Elderly people who stop 'acting' like adults are called eccentric or senile. I think that being a child is natural -everything else is 'acting'. Of cause most children know the difference between a child who is 'mature' and one who 'acts like a grown up'. But a lot of adults wont accept that it's merely protocol, so they're always searching for an escape -holiday's, getting drunk etc- where they can be children again under another name.  Now everyone is different, some adults know they're acting and are happy that way, others detest being 'childish' or don't because it's not right. But once in a while you'll find a child knows how to be mature, when to act like a grown up, doesn't need to complain about children to feel grown up and simply knows how to enjoy life because they haven't lost their own. As Shakespeare said 'life is a play' so one must act, and act well but not forget who they are behind the mask.